Skyros Blog

Improv Comedy with Nat Tsolak
Sun 8 - Sun 15 Sep 2019 & Sun 15 Sep - Sun 22 Sep 2019
Improv Comedy Retreat in Skyros, Greece with Nat Tsolak: Two Weeks of Summer Fun and Laughter
Improvised comedy is simple, fun, easy and a wonderful way to explore your own creativity and ways to express yourself in a safe space. In beginning of the improv comedy class we will explore the basics of improv principles such as storytelling with yes and and listening to yourself and others in a physical and emotional way.
You can also expect to learn practical life skills such as being comfortable presenting in front of groups of people, self-confidence and presentation techniques. Improv Comedy is based on group work and interacting with a group with playful drama games. There is no need to have any previous experience nor you need to be funny.
During the course we also will be exploring improv games, shorts sketches, storytelling with Improvisation Comedy techniques. We will play simple storytelling games that will help us to bring out the natural storyteller within ourselves. The games and sketches are very simple and easy to join.
The course covers topics like how to stay in contact with the audience, build complicity with our fellow improvisers and create stage presence. We will see how we can make other improvisers life easier giving them a good impulse with the voice and the body.
As complicated as it may seem we will learn that improvising a storytelling together is a simple task:
- Listen and observe what is already there, and what you and your fellow improvisers already created together
- As absurd it may sound, agree with everything that has been already said and focus on developing the story
- Keep yourself and your fellow storytellers engaged being simple and having fun with them
- Find a balance between the elements of a story: action, description and emotions
- Explore ways of failing in front of an audience and still save face.
Click here for more information or to book online >>>
About Nat Tsolak
Nat Tsolak has developed The School of Laughter ( as a training and personal development provider based on Comedy . Nat is a coach, Improv teacher and consultant with over 15 years international experience in training, leading and facilitating groups. Nat puts positive psychology into practice with fun, play and laughter. In the past 15 years he has worked on innovative projects and events in the private and public sector. Nat is a member of the British Psychological Society.
His qualifications include an M.Phil in behavioural psychology and MBA in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the Imperial College. Nat has been trained in Improv Comedy by the founder of modern Impro, Keith Johnstone, including a number of teachers and schools in London , such as Imprology, Second City & UCB trainers in London, Spontaneity Shop and Hoopla Impro. Nat was also trained in stand-up comedy by Logan Murray author of ‘Be a Great Stand-Up: Teach Yourself’. He is a graduate of Dr Madan Kataria’s Laughter Techniques Programme and Sebastien Gentry’s Laughter Wellness Training.
Click here for more information or to book online >>>
About Atsitsa Bay
Nat's course is held in Atsitsa Bay - a holistic holiday centre set in a stunning, natural location, right on the bay and surrounded by pine forest. With a wide range of courses and activities and an outstanding team of facilitators, it's the perfect place to be inspired and try something new.
What's included?
- More than three courses per day over four to five days each week
- An unrivalled and vibrant community atmosphere
- Fun evening activities and events
- Three delicious Mediterranean meals each day
- Twin shared rustic accommodation in Atsitsa's gardens (upgrades available)
Click here for more information or to book online >>>
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