Travel Overview
There are no direct flights to Skyros Island from the UK
Instead, book the domestic flight with departing Athens for Skyros at 07.25 on Saturday, the first day of the holiday
Your international flight needs to arrive into Athens on Friday. Spend the night in Athens or take a late night flight
If the last day of your holiday is Saturday (one-week holidays), book the 08.30 flight back to Athens that day
If the last day of your holiday is Friday (two-week holidays) book our coach and ferry transfer or stay an extra night
Book a flight departing Athens after 11.10 (if taking Aegean flight on Saturday) or after 15.00 (if taking our coach and ferry transfer back to Athens airport on Friday)
As Aegan Air flights sell out please contact us for travel options.
Click here for detailed travel information or call us on 01983 865566 if you have any questions