Skyros Blog

My Atsitsa Experience
Anne shares her experience of attending an Atsitsa Bay holiday for the second time.
Arriving at Atsitsa Bay for my second stay felt like sinking into a welcome, warm bath. The magic began to happen instantly.
I had found my way to Atsitsa the previous year when I wanted a Greek holiday but did not want to be alone. I was a bit nervous and edgy in this strange environment, I had no real idea what to expect.
As soon as I skipped off the coach this year I began to remember and reflect on how far I had come in the past twelve months. Last time I was just two years on from a long period of suicidal depression following a 'perfect storm' in my personal and professional life.
This time I felt healthy, strong and 'up for' whatever the week offered.
So, as well as abseiling, art, yoga, fabulous food and new friends, I experienced a bubbling of ideas and creativity. I had a similar experience last year, though tentatively, the feelings building slowly over the course of the week. This time I just fizzed from the get go – endless ideas popping up like shiny points of light, like the phosphorescence on our late night swim.
I have been astonished at what my mind produced when released from any day to day responsibilies, work, cooking, shopping etc – and allowed to bask in the warmth of sunshine and good company.
I have so many 'take homes' from this week – of which the biggest surprise is an urge to try my hand at creative writing. Who knew? And that's next year planned.
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