Skyros Blog

Imagine Your New Year
A little imagery exercise for you to shine with
With love from Dina Glouberman, Skyros co-founder
Step One
Sitting in a quiet space, breathe three times, then send energy down to your feet. Imagine that you are standing on a platform above the earth. How high is it? Slowly pull that platform away, and find a way to stand on the earth, on reality.
Step Two
Now, imagine standing in the middle of a web of light. Imagine first your loved ones all over the world and their light. Imagine then all the people with whom you share a path of love, light, and wisdom, whether teachers, authors, colleagues or students, and see them in the web. Now include all of humanity and see those lights going far and wide. And now include all the planet's inhabitants, and the planet itself, however you may picture them.
Step Three
Standing in this web of light, send your love and light to all of those in the web. Then relax and receive the love from everyone and everything in that web. Know you are loved and connected no matter what is happening in your life.
Step Four
Now imagine you have a sack full of aspects of your life and of life itself that you are not happy about and don't seem to be able to be reconciled with. You don't need to know what they are in advance. Begin to pull something out of the sack, look at it, name it, picture how hard it is, and, when you are ready, say with full acceptance "So be it." Keep pulling out one thing after another, looking, naming, picturing, accepting. Every now and then shake the bag so that you really get to the point when you know it is empty. Take as long as you need to.
Step Five
When it is empty, wrap the bag in light, and blow it on clouds of light to wherever it needs to go.
Step Six
Then imagine you have a golden bag of light, and start to put into it the things you feel good about. These do not need to be things about your life. They may be your own qualities that you feel happy with, like your ability to love, or to understand, or to act firmly, or whatever.
Step Seven
When the golden bag is full, put it in your heart, and look at your life and at life and see what you can see now. Look forward into the coming year, and sense what will be new and different, and what will continue, and how you will make it happen both by focussed thought and by actions.
Once again, picture that web of light around you, send love, and receive love.