Skyros Blog

The Core of Good Fiction with Lisa O'Donnell
Sun 18 - Sat 31 Aug 2019 & Sun 1 - Sun 8 Sep 2019
Taught by award winning writer Lisa O'Donnell The Core of Good Fiction is a writing course suitable for beginners and those who wish to develop an existing novel idea.
Over the course we will look at the importance of Character and Voice. How dialogue moves your fiction. The importance of Storytelling. We will look at how to write an Opening that hooks your reader. There will be workshops on how experience can shape your work, focusing on the art of description.
We will also consider the choices we make as a writer when embarking on our stories. People write for all kinds of reasons, this course isn't just about getting published, it's about finding your authentic voice and giving you the writer the tool to tell the stories deep inside yourself and in a supportive and encouraging community.
What people say about Lisa and her course:
Really enjoyed writing. Lisa’s one-to-ones were over and above. Really appreciated.
Writing teacher very generous and supportive to everyone.
Writing with Lisa was wonderful.
I discovered my writers voice in the writing course.
Click here to book Lisa's course >>>
About Lisa O'Donnell
Lisa O'Donnell is an award winning author from Glasgow. She has written two books Closed Doors and The Death of Bees, which won The Commonwealth Book Prize in 2013 and an ALEX Award presented by The American Library Association in 2014. Lisa also writes screenplays and won The Orange Prize for New Screenwriters in 2000. She was also shortlisted for The Dennis Potter Award in the same year.
Lisa graduated with an MLitt in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow and also teaches creative writing for Curtis Brown Creative and was a Visiting Lecturer at City London University. She is also a mentor on The Womentoring Project.
Click here for more information >>>
About Atsitsa Bay
Lisa's courses are held in Atsitsa Bay - a holistic holiday centre set in a stunning, natural location, right on the bay and surrounded by pine forest. With a wide range of courses and activities and an outstanding team of facilitators, it's the perfect place to be inspired and try something new.
What's included?
- More than three courses per day over four to five days each week
- An unrivalled and vibrant community atmosphere
- Fun evening activities and events
- Three delicious Mediterranean meals each day
- Twin shared rustic accommodation in Atsitsa's gardens (upgrades available)
Click here for more information or to book >>> or give us a call on 01983 86 55 66
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