Skyros Blog

In 2015 there was an abundance of singing, dancing, games, laughter, sharing and memories happening in Atsitsa. We would like to send a massive thanks to all of the participants who have kept Atsitsa alive and bring a new holiday experience to every session. We have gathered together just a snippet of the 2015 Atsitsa Bay highlights to share.
If this gives you itchy feet then book onto our holidays by calling the office on 01983 86 55 66 or email
With best wishes
The Skyros Team
Isle of Wight
Amazing Feedback from Inspired Participants
‘It felt like Christmas every morning, you never knew what form the class was going to take, but it was always a treat. I absolutely loved it.’ G.S - Kent
‘Wonderful! Living in Hutland was like living in Edens Paradise!’ C.A - Sweden
‘Am so very pleased that I decided to come here, one of the most memorable holidays I've ever had.’ A.M - Ireland
‘This has been a fantastic experience that I would highly recommend to others. Thank you all. I will definitely be back’ H.T - Gloucestershire
Olympic Games: Greeks VS Trojans
In true Greek style, Marina and Steve battled to the end in the Olympic games, Greeks VS Trojans. Frightful games of apple bobbing, 'over-and-under' with Lemonos Biggus, sacred ritual dancing and rock, paper, scissors were held until the final dual between Marina-the-Greek and Steve-the-Trojan was held in intense suspense. Steve's black Trojan pants could not distract the mighty Marina and the Greeks cheered in victory. All followed by a friendly glass of wine at the bar.
Generous donations to the Skyros Fund Support
We have had some wild things up for auction this year to raise money for the Skyros Support Fund. Steve Attridge's black Trojan pants, motorcycle rides around the island with Takis the chef, surprise serenades from the work scholars and many wonderful retreats, massages, hugs, acting lessons, positive emails, influential quotes and more from our participants. Massive thanks to all the donations, we will soon be announcing the final amount raised.
Traditional Greek concert in an open-air amphitheatre
Participants and staff stumbled upon an amphitheatre full of local musicians preparing for an intimate open air concert of traditional Greek music. The music performed was in the Smyrneiko and Peireotiko-rebetiko style. The instruments included bouzouki, guitar and baglama. They were soon joined by around 300 locals and together they enjoyed the emotive almost operatic performance that took place.
'On the 10th June, walking from Atsitsa to Skyros Town, a group of us found three abandoned pups, only days old, eyes still closed.' So far an amazing £1,100 has been raised to vaccinate these puppies and get their EU puppy passports so they can be re-homed safely in the UK. A huge thank you to Rachael Lockey for taking these puppies into her care and thank you to all those who have donated to the cause.
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