Holiday Facilitators: Kate Daniels
skill, experience, warmth

For many years a regular teacher at The Grange and on Skyros and founder of the Release Your Inner Diva programme, Kate has 40 years of experience working as a registered Systemic therapist helping people to create fulfilling, contented lives and relationships. She ran a clinical training at the Tavistock Centre and is now senior lecturer on a clinical psychology doctorate. She is also a jazz singer and loves bringing creativity, humour and play to her workshops.
What people say about Kate and her courses:
Relaxed, informal, encouraging. Kate is a sheer delight and inspires, instilling confidence.
Easy-going, cooperative, fun, very inclusive, integration and motivating, gives you the feeling that you can do it, lots of humour, happy to help in break with questions - much appreciated.
Superb, relaxed, inclusive, fun, warming & well structured without being pressured in any way.