Holiday Facilitators: Diane Connell
skill, experience, warmth

Diane Connell was born and educated in New Zealand and has lived and worked in Japan, France and the UK. She began her writing career in a newspaper office in Tokyo before becoming an advertising copywriter and writing for the international non-profit sector. For many years she lived in Paris, where she began writing as a novelist. She later moved to London, where her first two books, Julian Corkle is a Filthy Liar and Sherry Cracker Gets Normal, were published under the name of D.J. Connell. She now lives in Sydney.
What people say about Diane Connell and her courses:
Fantastic teacher, joyful, relaxed and determined to bring out the best in us all. She kept the group giving and exploring and working hard but for a good reason as she found gold in us all.
Diane’s course is perfect for taking a formless idea and whipping it into shape - you’ll come away with a workable structure and outline, plus an idea of how much you should be writing per day to flesh it out.
Diane Connell is an excellent writing tutor with a store of guidance, practical tips and inspiring exercises.
Diane is unfailingly supportive and confidence-boosting; helps you focus floaty ideas on form and structure. Genuinely excited for your ideas.
Absolutely fantastic course for a first time or even an experienced writer. Everyone was able to get something out of the course and I’m amazed at how much I was able to get done through the exercises Diane took us through. Would highly recommend! Thank you!
I liked Diane's clear feedback and structure.
Diane's course of building a novel really helped me understand the 'how' of it. It was exactly what I was looking for.
Where does Diane Connell facilitate?
Sat 13 Sep - Sat 20 Sep 2025 (7 nights)
At a glance
Atsitsa Bay is a holistic holiday centre set in a stunning, natural location, right on the bay and surrounded by pine forest. With a wide range of courses and activities and an outstanding team of facilitators, it's the perfect place to be inspired and try something new. Diane Connell is directing this holiday.
Skyros attracts mostly solo travellers from all over the world. Although all ages are represented approximately 70% are between 35-65. A huge majority - over 80 percent - report that the Skyros holiday experience had a lasting positive effect on their lives. Nearly a third of guests come back again and again - even after they have said that Skyros was the 'holiday of a lifetime'.
Most people choose to live simply and comfortably in twin-shared rustic huts in the gardens. Or stay in Atsitsa's main house, subject to availability. See more about accommodation in Atsitsa here >>
Inspiring Courses
Courses and activities are introduced to you at the beginning of each week. Choose your favourites from a wide range including yoga, writing, art, kayaking, windsurfing, personal development, singing, comedy and more.
Food & Drink
All meals are included and served as a buffet. Special diets are always catered for. Teas and coffees are available throughout the day. Other drinks and snacks can be purchased at Atsitsa's bar.
Guide Itinerary
07.15: Morning drop-in classes
08.30: Breakfast
09.00: Demos (news of the day)
10.30: Oekos (home groups)
11.15: Mid-morning courses
13.30: Lunch
15.00: Siesta/beach time
17.00: Afternoon courses
19.00: Sunset classes
20.00: Dinner & evening activities
Average Temperature
July and August are the hottest months in Skyros with temperatures averaging around 30 degrees Celcius. Light showers are possible but rare.
What's included?
- More than three courses per day over four to five days each week
- An unrivalled and vibrant community atmosphere
- Fun evening activities and events
- Three delicious Mediterranean meals each day
- Twin shared rustic accommodation in Atsitsa's gardens
What's On
To travel to Skyros island you need to fly to Athens as there are no direct flights to this beautiful, unspoilt island.
Fly to Athens on the day before your holiday begins, ie Friday. Join our overland transfer to Skyros island including a night with us in Central Athens.
Return on the last day of the holiday, ie Saturday. If you book our overland transfer, you can book a flight home from Athens after 3pm.