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How are your goals going for 2018? Are you frustrated they haven’t happened yet? Or are they going okay, but not nearly as fast as you would like?
There are 8 big reasons why goals don’t work out the way we want them to. In no particular order here they are!
1. You have too many goals in your life, and you have spread yourself too thin and are not getting anywhere.
Pick your 2 most important goals and focus on them for 3 months. You’ll be amazed by what happens. Also, see where you can interlink goals. For example, if you want to meet new friends that are like-minded and you want to get fit then doing solo sessions at the gym will only get you so far. It would be better to join a hockey team, or a group boot camp. Two goals with one stroke!
2. You don’t have the right attitude (powerful frame of mind) towards change.
The self talk of low confidence, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, hold you back in many ways that aren't that obvious until you delve into them. The right mindset is key in unlocking a powerful future, as this is your first and best asset. If your self talk stops you from taking action then you need to work on your mindset. There is a wealth of scientific research on the difference this makes. It’s also important to live the life you love right now and not wait for a magical destination to make you happy. The right mindset is about making life-enhancing choices daily. And those choices include how you see the world.
3. You don’t understand the process of change.
Nearly always, your biggest fears are nestled inside the big goal you want to achieve, but haven't yet. Not understanding this, when things get tough, you back down and falter. This is where it is crucial to have a support group of like-minded people who are on the same path as you. Or get yourself a mentor to guide you who can see the big picture and has been on this path before you. Before your biggest breakthrough you will experience your biggest fears.
4. You have great moving away goals but no moving towards goals.
For example, you say you hate your job, which is an excellent moving away goal. But it will only get you so far and you’ll probably never quit. A moving toward goal or life plan is the destination. That is, a life path or goal that feels you full of heart-led passion and desire. If your moving towards goal is not exciting you probably won’t action it well.
5. You have a strong desire for change and really want to do it, but don’t have a good strategy to get you from A to B.
You flounder with actions that help somewhat, but don’t get you on the road to success. Or, you are not good at course correction. Some course of action may be good for a while but then stagnates. You lose momentum and get cranky with it. Rather, you need to see that you have gotten as far as you can and now need a new strategy – course correction.
6. You are dragging around a lot of ‘calcified’ or ‘should’ goals that are just not working well.
For example, you say you will lose 5 kg or start dating or start a business. You say this EVERY year. You are unintentionally stagnating. You don’t know when or how to revamp a goal OR let it go completely. You don't know how to create heart-led goals, which, by their nature, access your true potential and are far easier to achieve. And remember goals do not have to be material. They can be spiritual in nature. It could simply be a new way of being in this world. I deliberately spent 6 months working on my mind and how I interacted with the world. I created an abundant mindset that has truly opened up my life in extraordinary ways.
7. You don't understand the right way to set boundaries with friends and family in order to achieve your goals and be supported. Instead you put up boundaries in a way that create more problems in your life.
Get clear on what you want your life to look like and schedule it into your diary before all those other commitments flood in. Invite your friends to your new events so they don’t feel left out. Be super clear in your mind (when you meet up for coffee) about how your new life will look and practice patience. It can take people a while to accept the new you. Keep clear on your message and don’t get sucked into old thinking with them. Be positive. You’ll be amazed at how many come for the ride with you. Others naturally drop away.
8. You don't find like-minded people who will elevate and support you with your new life plan. You lose momentum because you are isolated and operating in a vacuum.
This is really common. It’s crucial to find your new tribe. When I started out on my entrepreneurial and spiritual journey I knew no-one. I had just come out of 4 long years of severe illness. I went along to a couple of entrepreneurial events with my main goal being to connect with ‘awesome’ people. Now, I have a wonderful soul/mastermind group I connect with on Zoom. I did this with all areas of my life. I fast-tracked it, with lots of proactive move and grooves.
Statistics show most people never action their important goals. The fact that you are reading this article suggests to me that you are not one of them!
You need to get clear on creating the life you love. You need to want change. And you need to know how to bring it into being quickly and powerfully. It’s all about Rising Regardless everyday.
Monique Hohnberg has over 250,000 Souls Rising Regardless with her everyday through her website and social media channels. More of kick-butt, heart-led articles can be found at
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