Skyros Blog

How to Listen to the Soul's Whispers and Follow Them
An Interview with Dr Dina Glouberman by Julian Russell
Are you interested in exploring your potential and sharing your unique gifts with the world? Or perhaps you're going through a time of questioning about your life?
In this fascinating film, Julian Russell interviews Dina Glouberman who is the co-founder of Skyros Holidays and a pioneer in the use of Imagework as a means of accessing your wisest self...
How do you listen to the soul's whispers and follow them....
Dina is teaching on the magical Greek island of Skyros from 19 August to 1 September 2017. Julian's course 'Discovering Your Life Calling' runs from 9 to 16 September 2017.
Find out more about Dina and her life enhancing courses here >>>
Dina is running two weeks of courses. The first is 'The Joy of Burnout' followed by 'New Beginnings'.
Find out more about Julian and his 'Discover Your Life Calling' course here >>>
Now it's your turn. Did you find this video helpful? Have you worked with Dina before or do you have questions for her?Share your thoughts and feedback in the space below. We'll be looking out for you and looking forward to seeing your comments and continuing the conversation here. |
Ilife was changed by courses at a Skyros!