Skyros Blog

5 Reasons You Need To Try Abseiling
Each summer we offer Abseiling on a Skyros holiday with Berny Woodward in Greece.
Read on for 5 reasons you MUST give it a go next summer.
1. You're in safe hands
Berny holds the UK Mountain Instructors Certificate and has extensive experience having worked in the RAF as an Outdoor Adventure Instructor for over 20 years. You're in safe hands as you tackle ever more challenging obstacles as the course progresses.
What did guests from the holidays this year say about Berny?
"A teddy bear disguised as a fantastic abseil teacher."
"Loud, sensible and dry sense of humour."
"Loving and considerate and aware of limitations and allowed for them without highlighting or separating you."
2. A chance to try something new
Have you always wondered how it would feel to inch yourself off a cliff? Take the opportunity! Skyros holidays are all about being daring and trying something new. Confront your fears and and you'll win.
3. The stunning scenery
Greece is a beautiful country, Skyros is a particularly stunning island and Atsitsa Bay is paradise. Don't forget to take in the views as you descend to ground level.
4. The adrenaline rush
There's no better feeling than the rush of pride and excitement that comes with doing something so thrilling. Ride the buzz for hours.
5. The confidence boost
You've done it! You've pushed yourself over the edge and out of your comfort zone. If you can do that you can do ANYTHING. Don't forget that boost when you get home, remind yourself of what you can acheive.
Intrigued and want to know more?
Skyros holidays in Atsitsa in Greece are all inclusive of meals, twin shared accommodation and all courses.
Courses and activities include yoga, writing, art, photography, windsurfing, comedy, personal development, music, singing and much more.
It's a great place to try something new. Check out the holiday programme here:
Have you abseiled with Berny before? How did you feel before and after? Share your experience in the comments below and help inspire others to take the leap...