Activities at Atsitsa Bay, Greece
Feldenkrais with Tiana Harper
Sat 19 - Sat 26 Jul 2025
Feldenkrais developed Awareness Through Movement with the ethos that ‘When you know what you do, you can do what you want.’ During these sessions, participants will be invited to delve deeper into their sense of self through gentle, low-effort motion and attention to breathing, exploring how they initiate each movement, and finding that this naturally increases their range and facility. We will also explore how to integrate this approach into daily movement such as walking and dancing. Benefits of increased ease in movement are understandably wide, including better coordination and balance, lessening of some chronic pain, an increased sense of well-being/lessening of anxiety, and improved performance in sports, yoga and the performing arts. Tiana is a guild-certified teacher, and the course is suitable for all ages and abilities, including beginners and those already familiar with or practicing ATM.
What's included?
Tiana's course is held in Atsitsa Bay on Skyros island in Greece and is part of the wide range of courses and activities available. The holiday includes full board twin shared accommodation in an eco-hut. Single upgrades and twin shares in the house are available. Chat through the website, call +44 (0)1983 86 55 66 or email to discuss your requirements.

About Tiana Harper
Tiana spent her formative years as a musician and performer before segueing into the screen industries, and later studying at Royal Central School of Speech & Drama to train and coach actors. Tiana teaches and leads programmes in world-class film and performance academies, including London Film School and the Royal Academy of Music.
Having discovered the powerful effects of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement at drama school, Tiana embarked on a professional training programme and now teaches it to performers, sports people and indeed anyone interested in cultivating a greater sense of ease and capacity for movement through a playful and active curiosity about their body and mind.