Activities at Atsitsa Bay, Greece
The Call of the Wild Twin with Dawn Ellis
Sun 11 - Sun 18 Aug 2024
Do we all have a Wild Twin?
There’s a belief in old stories that we are all born with a ‘Wild Twin’, unique to each of us. The Twin may be a shameless, swaggering pirate, running at life and devouring it; or they may be reflective, deeply sensitive and in tune with the fragility of the world. But our Wild Twin is often banished from our lives as we grow up and learn to conform to what society and our jobs and families require.
When did you first start to prize being 'good, likeable and reliable' above risking the joy of letting all your dimensions out to play?
For most of us it starts happening at around 7 years old. And continues throughout our lives. The sheer daily grind of life, responsibilities and domesticity gradually erodes our relationship with our Wild Twin.
Then we wake up one day with a gnawing realisation that a precious part of ourselves is missing.
Who is your Wild Twin – and do you feel the longing to be reunited?
We can meet our Wild Twin in the beauty of nature, in creativity or in silence. This course is an invitation to re-acquaint yourself with your Wild Twin in the magnificent natural world of Atsitsa. You will be guided to dive in and explore what’s holding you back through powerful cognitive techniques, before moving through the blocks. You will go out into Nature to discover your wild Twin; you will court them, make them welcome and celebrate them wholeheartedly. Finally, you will generate a new story and establish ways to integrate this wilder part of yourself back into your life, in practical ways that you can sustain.
What's included?
Dawn's course is held in Atsitsa Bay on Skyros island in Greece and is part of the wide range of courses and activities available. The holiday includes full board twin shared accommodation in an eco-hut. Single upgrades and twin shares in the house are available. Chat through the website, call +44 (0)1983 86 55 66 or email to discuss your requirements.
About Dawn Ellis
Dawn is a well-respected facilitator and coach in Mindsets, Purpose and Attitudinal Intelligence and has worked with leaders in organisations worldwide for over 25 years. She has also been a performer all her life and is a voice and audio artist. Her passion is liberating people - especially women of all ages - from their undermining beliefs and internal stories. She combines tried and tested cognitive, storytelling and creativity techniques that empower people to break free to align with their higher purpose and deeper self. She specialises in releasing creativity and confidence and supporting people to find their voice.
Dawn designed the Call of the Wild Twin programme in response to noticing how people often hold themselves back in life. She has been delivering it since 2015. Dawn is a warm and intuitive facilitator and finds innovative ways to enable people to harness their creativity and energy. She is founder of Storytelling HQ and has been a regular Storyteller-in-Residence at Atsitsa. She is a compelling performance storyteller, often inspired by inspired by the natural world and the elements.